@@ -134,10 +134,13 @@ public class WorkAnalysisController {
sql+=" left join( select depart_id , count(1) 'count' from ajh_meeting_send where meet_status =2 and meet_end_time >='"+startTime+"' and meet_end_time <= '"+endTime+"' group by depart_id )aaa on aaa.depart_id = d.id ";
sql+=" left join (select depart_id , count(1) 'count' from ajh_meeting_send where meet_id in (select id from ajh_meeting where end_time >='"+startTime+"' and end_time <= '"+endTime+"') group by depart_id ) bbb on bbb.depart_id = d.id ";
// 考试任务
sql+=" left join (select depart_id,count(user_id) 'count' from edu_user_paper where DATE_FORMAT(end_time,'%Y-%m-%d') >='"+startTime+"' and end_time <= '"+endTime+"' and user_id in("+userIds+") group by depart_id )ccc on ccc.depart_id = d.id";
sql+=" left join ( select dep_id,count(user_id) 'count' from sys_user_depart where user_id in("+userIds+") group by dep_id )ddd on ddd.dep_id = d.id";
sql+=" left join ( select depart_id ,count(id) 'count' from danger_inspection_record where status = '2' and end_date >= '"+startTime+" 00:00:00' and end_date <='"+endTime+" 23:59:59' group by depart_id ) eee on eee.depart_id = d.id ";
sql+=" left join( select sum( (DATEDIFF('"+endTime+"', '"+startTime+"') +1)*24/ dlm.frequency ) 'count' , dlm.depart_id from danger_level_manage dlm where dlm.frequency IS NOT NULL and frequency <> '' ) fff on fff.depart_id = d.id ";