1078bdfc 张雷


1 个父辈 1b052349
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ public class RealTimeDataServiceImpl implements IRealTimeDataService {
public List<Map<String, Object>> queryRealTimeDataApp(String factoryId, String type, String structId, String sortType,String nmName) {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
List<Map<String, Object>> list = realTimeDataMapper.queryMetricListByType(factoryId, type, structId,nmName);
List<Map<String, Object>> list = realTimeDataMapper.queryMetricListByType(factoryId, type, structId, nmName);
StringBuilder feilds = new StringBuilder();
if ("0".equals(type)) {
......@@ -157,13 +157,14 @@ public class FCustomReportDatasetServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<FCustomReportDa
" from "+dataViewName4411+" v4411 " +
" where v4411.depart_id = '"+departId+"' and v4411.time like CONCAT('"+dataTime+"','%')) v6 on right(left(v6.time,7),2)=right(left(v1.time,7),2) " +
" left join ( " +
" select v3a24.depart_id,SUM(v3a24.DLHJ) dlhj_year,(SUM( v3a24.PAMZ ) + SUM( v3a24.PAMF ) + SUM( v3a24.PAMRJ ) + " +
" select v3a24.depart_id,SUM(v3a24.DLHJ) dlhj_year,LEFT(v3a24.time,7) time,(SUM( v3a24.PAMZ ) + SUM( v3a24.PAMF ) + SUM( v3a24.PAMRJ ) + " +
" SUM( v3a24.SCLPAMZ ) + SUM( v3a24.SCLPAMF ) + SUM( v3a24.NACLO ) + SUM( v3a24.PACGT ) + SUM( v3a24.PACYT ) + " +
" SUM( v3a24.PFS ) + SUM( v3a24.FHTY ) + SUM( v3a24.RYXNJ ) + SUM( v3a24.YWL ) + SUM( v3a24.GXCLJ ) + SUM( v3a24.CH3COONA ) + " +
" SUM( v3a24.HXT ) + SUM( v3a24.FECL3 ) + SUM( v3a24.SH ) + " +
" SUM( v3a24.CH3COOH ) + SUM( v3a24.FESO4G ) + SUM( v3a24.FESO4Y ) + SUM( v3a24.H2O2 )) yjhl_year " +
" from "+dataViewName3a24+" v3a24 " +
" where v3a24.depart_id = '"+departId+"' and v3a24.time like CONCAT('"+dataTime+"','%')) y on y.depart_id = v1.depart_id " +
" where v3a24.depart_id = '"+departId+"' and v3a24.time like CONCAT('"+dataTime+"','%') GROUP BY LEFT(v3a24.time,7)" +
" ) y on y.time = LEFT ( v1.time, 7 ) " +
" left join ( " +
" select right(left(v4411.time,7),2) time,v4411.qntqsfsl " +
" from "+dataViewName4411tb+" v4411 " +
......@@ -199,9 +199,6 @@ public class SysRoleController {
public Result<List<SysRole>> queryall() {
Result<List<SysRole>> result = new Result<>();
QueryWrapper<SysRole> queryWrapper = new QueryWrapper<SysRole>();
SysDepart sysDepart = sysDepartService.getById(BaseContextHandler.getRealDepartId());
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