016d6eeb 张雷

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into master

2 个父辈 1a68587e f8d75e7f
正在显示 19 个修改的文件 包含 317 行增加50 行删除
......@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class JSUtils {
public static String convertStringToInt(String str) {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(str) && str.endsWith(".00")) {
Double dVal = Double.parseDouble(str);
return dVal.intValue()+"";
return str;
public static String add(Object obj1 , Object obj2){
String expression = obj1+ "+" + obj2;
return executeExpression(expression,"0.00");
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import com.skua.modules.edu.service.IQuestionService;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.skua.modules.edu.vo.QuestionExcel;
import com.skua.modules.system.service.ISysDepartService;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
......@@ -289,8 +290,10 @@ public class QuestionController {
try {
List<Question> listQuestions = ExcelImportUtil.importExcel(file.getInputStream(), Question.class, params);
String dbId = request.getParameter("dbId");
List<QuestionExcel> listQuestions = ExcelImportUtil.importExcel(file.getInputStream(), QuestionExcel.class, params);
return Result.ok("文件导入成功!数据行数:" + listQuestions.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.skua.modules.edu.entity.Question;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
import com.skua.modules.edu.vo.QuestionExcel;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -50,4 +51,11 @@ public interface IQuestionService extends IService<Question> {
* @return
public boolean checkByPaper(String questionId);
* 批量导入
* @param listQuestions
* @param dbId
public void batchImportExcel(List<QuestionExcel> listQuestions, String dbId);
......@@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ import com.skua.modules.edu.entity.QuestionOption;
import com.skua.modules.edu.mapper.QuestionMapper;
import com.skua.modules.edu.mapper.QuestionOptionMapper;
import com.skua.modules.edu.service.IQuestionService;
import com.skua.modules.edu.vo.QuestionExcel;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -112,5 +114,38 @@ public class QuestionServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<QuestionMapper, Question> i
int count = this.baseMapper.checkByPaper( questionId );
return count > 0?true:false;
* 批量导入
* @param listQuestions
* @param dbId
public void batchImportExcel(List<QuestionExcel> listQuestions, String dbId){
/* // 创建Gson实例
Gson gson = new Gson();
// 将List转换为Json字符串
String questionData = gson.toJson( question.getOptionList() ) ;
question.setQuestionData( questionData ) ;*/
private Question converQuestion(QuestionExcel questionExcel,String dbId){
Question question = new Question();
question.setQuestionTitle(questionExcel.getQuestionTitle() );//试题标题
question.setQuestionType( questionExcel.getQuestionType() );//试题类型
question.setQuestionAnswer( questionExcel.getAnswer() );
return question;
private List<QuestionOption> converQuestionOption(QuestionExcel questionExcel){
List<QuestionOption> optionList = new ArrayList<>();
return optionList;
package com.skua.modules.edu.vo;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.Excel;
* @auther kangwei
* @create 2025-02-18-13:21
@ApiModel(value="试题批量导入", description="试题批量导入")
public class QuestionExcel {
/**试题类型:1 单选、2多选、3判断*/
@Excel(name = "题型", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "试题类型:1 单选、2多选、3判断")
private String questionType;
@Excel(name = "题干", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "试题标题")
private String questionTitle;
@Excel(name = "选项A", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "选项A")
private String optionA;
@Excel(name = "选项B", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "选项B")
private String optionB;
@Excel(name = "选项C", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "选项C")
private String optionC;
@Excel(name = "选项D", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "选项D")
private String optionD;
@Excel(name = "选项E", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "选项E")
private String optionE;
@Excel(name = "选项F", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "选项F")
private String optionF;
@Excel(name = "选项G", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "选项G")
private String optionG;
@Excel(name = "答案", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "答案")
private String answer;
@Excel(name = "试题解析", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "试题解析")
private String analyzes;
......@@ -220,8 +220,6 @@ public class ErpSettlementController {
erpSettlementService.updateMaterialInSettlementFlag( erpSettlementVO,"1");
} catch (Exception e) {
......@@ -91,18 +91,6 @@ public class MaterialINController {
private IMaterialAcceptanceFormService materialAcceptanceFormService;//验收单
private IDistributContractService distributContractService;//分销合同编号
* <pre>
* 分页列表查询
* </pre>
* @param materialIN
* @param pageNo
* @param pageSize
* @param req
* @return
* @author 开发者姓名, 开发时间
* @Description: TODO(这里描述这个方法的需求变更情况)
@AutoLog(value = "erp--物料(药剂)入库-分页列表查询")
@ApiOperation(value="erp--物料(药剂)入库-分页列表查询", notes="erp--物料(药剂)入库-分页列表查询")
......@@ -314,6 +302,24 @@ public class MaterialINController {
return result;
@AutoLog(value = "erp--物料(药剂)入库-批量送审")
@ApiOperation(value="erp--物料(药剂)入库-批量送审", notes="erp--物料(药剂)入库-批量送审")
@DeleteMapping(value = "/batchSendAudit")
public Result<MaterialIN> batchSendAudit(@RequestParam(name="ids",required=true) String ids) {
Result<MaterialIN> result = new Result<MaterialIN>();
if(ids==null || "".equals(ids.trim())) {
}else {
String auditStatus = "1";
return result;
@AutoLog(value = "erp--erp采购合同-审批")
@ApiOperation(value="erp--采购合同-审批", notes="erp--采购合同-审批")
@PutMapping(value = "/audit")
package com.skua.modules.erp.controller;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.skua.core.api.vo.Result;
import com.skua.core.aspect.annotation.AutoLog;
import com.skua.core.context.SpringContextUtils;
import com.skua.core.query.QueryGenerator;
import com.skua.modules.erp.entity.MaterialIN;
import com.skua.modules.erp.vo.PurchaseAnalysisVO;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
* 采购数据分析
* @auther kangwei
* @create 2025-02-19-14:07
public class PurchaseAnalysisController {
@AutoLog(value = "erp-药剂采购分析")
@ApiOperation(value="erp--药剂采购分析", notes="erp--药剂采购分析")
@GetMapping(value = "/analysis")
public Result<PurchaseAnalysisVO> settlementList(String startDate,String endDate) {
Result<PurchaseAnalysisVO> result = new Result<PurchaseAnalysisVO>();
String drugStorage = getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject("select round(ifnull(sum(material_num),0),2) from erp_material_in where audit_status = '3' and arrive_time >='"+startDate+"' and arrive_time <= '"+endDate+"'",String.class);
String purchaseMoney = getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject("select round(ifnull(sum(purchase_money),0),2) from erp_purchase_contract where use_flag = 0 and status = 3 and project_time >='"+startDate+"' and project_time <= '"+endDate+"'",String.class);
String distributMoney = getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject("select round(ifnull(sum(distribut_money),0),2) from erp_distribut_contract where status = 3 and purchase_time >='"+startDate+"' and purchase_time <= '"+endDate+"' ",String.class);
String supplierMoneyByJs = getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject("select round(ifnull(sum(t.total_price_tax),0),2) from erp_settlement t where t.settlement_type = '0' and t.status = '1' and settlement_time >='"+startDate+"' and settlement_time<='"+endDate+"' ",String.class);
String waterDepartMoneyByJs = getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject("select round(ifnull(sum(t.total_price_tax),0),2) from erp_settlement t where t.settlement_type = '1' and t.status = '1' and settlement_time >='"+startDate+"' and settlement_time<='"+endDate+"' ",String.class);
PurchaseAnalysisVO purchaseAnalysisVO = new PurchaseAnalysisVO( drugStorage, purchaseMoney, distributMoney, supplierMoneyByJs, waterDepartMoneyByJs);
return result;
private JdbcTemplate getJdbcTemplate(){
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = (JdbcTemplate) SpringContextUtils.getBean("master");
return jdbcTemplate;
......@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ public class MaterialIN {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "申请人")
private String applyUser;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "入库类型")
private String inType;
......@@ -29,4 +29,10 @@ public interface DistributContractMapper extends BaseMapper<DistributContract> {
* @return
List<String> selectIdsByCode(@Param("contractCode") String contractCode);
* 修改分销合同的分销价格
* @param contractId
void updateDistributMoney(String contractId);
......@@ -31,4 +31,12 @@ public interface MaterialINMapper extends BaseMapper<MaterialIN> {
public MaterialIN queryById(@Param("id") String id);
* 批量送审
* @param ids
* @param auditStatus
* @return
public int batchSendAudit(@Param("id")String ids, @Param("auditStatus")String auditStatus);
......@@ -15,5 +15,9 @@
<select id="selectIdsByCode" resultType="java.lang.String">
select id from erp_distribut_contract where contract_code like CONCAT('%',#{contractCode},'%')
<!-- 修改分销合同的分销价格-->
<update id="updateDistributMoney">
update erp_distribut_contract dc set distribut_money = (select sum(dm.distribut_total_price) from erp_distribut_material dm where dm.contract_id = dc.id ) where dc.id = #{contractId}
......@@ -67,4 +67,8 @@
left join ajh_supplier_manage sm on sm.id = t.supplier_id
where t.id = #{id}
<!-- 批量送审-->
<update id="batchSendAudit" >
update erp_material_in set audit_status = #{auditStatus} where id in (${ids}) and audit_status = '0'
......@@ -57,4 +57,11 @@ public interface IMaterialINService extends IService<MaterialIN> {
* @param ids
String auditBatchMaterialINVO(String ids , String approveState,String approveMessage)throws Exception;
* 批量送审
* @param ids
* @return
public int batchSendAudit(String ids,String auditStatus);
......@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ public class DistributContractServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<DistributContractM
materialMapper.insert( material );
return null;
......@@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ public class DistributContractServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<DistributContractM
materialMapper.insert( material );
return null;
......@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ public class ErpSettlementServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<ErpSettlementMapper, E
settlementItemMapper.insert( settlementItem) ;
updateMaterialInSettlementFlag( erpSettlementVO,"1");
......@@ -87,6 +87,14 @@ public class MaterialINServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<MaterialINMapper, Materia
return sb.toString();
* 批量送审
* @param ids
* @return
public int batchSendAudit(String ids,String auditStatus){
return this.baseMapper.batchSendAudit(ids,auditStatus);
* 审核药剂入库单
* @param materialINVO
package com.skua.modules.erp.vo;
import com.skua.tool.util.JSUtils;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
* @auther kangwei
* @create 2025-02-19-14:09
@ApiModel(value="药剂采购分析结果", description="药剂采购分析结果")
public class PurchaseAnalysisVO {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "药剂入库量(吨)")
private String drugStorage;//
@ApiModelProperty(value = "采购总额")
private String purchaseMoney;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "分销总额")
private String distributMoney;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "供应商结算金额")
private String supplierMoneyByJs;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "水务公司结算金额")
private String waterDepartMoneyByJs;
public PurchaseAnalysisVO(){
public PurchaseAnalysisVO(String drugStorage, String purchaseMoney, String distributMoney, String supplierMoneyByJs, String waterDepartMoneyByJs) {
this.drugStorage = JSUtils.convertStringToInt(drugStorage);
this.purchaseMoney = JSUtils.convertStringToInt(purchaseMoney);
this.distributMoney = JSUtils.convertStringToInt(distributMoney);
this.supplierMoneyByJs = JSUtils.convertStringToInt(supplierMoneyByJs);
this.waterDepartMoneyByJs = JSUtils.convertStringToInt(waterDepartMoneyByJs);
......@@ -33,24 +33,27 @@ public class WorkAnalysisController {
@ApiOperation(value = "工作进度列表", notes = "工作进度列表 departType = 1 自营水厂 departType=2 表示恩菲水厂 timeType = 1 表示月份,timeType=2 表示年")
public Result<List<WorkProgressVO>> analysisByWorkProgress(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer departType,@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer timeType, String startTime, String endTime) {
public Result<List<WorkProgressVO>> analysisByWorkProgress(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer departType, String departId, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer timeType, String startTime, String endTime) {
Result<List<WorkProgressVO>> result = new Result<>();
String month = DateUtils.formatDate(startTime,"YYYY-MM");
if(2 == timeType){//表示年
month = DateUtils.formatDate(startTime,"YYYY");
String departIds = null;//DAY(LAST_DAY('"+startTime+"'))
String departIds = departId;//DAY(LAST_DAY('"+startTime+"'))
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(departId )){
if(departType == 1){//自营水厂
departIds = getSelfDepartIds();
if(departType == 2){//恩菲水厂
departIds = getEFDepartIds();
String sql = "select d.id 'depart_id' , d.depart_name , (DATEDIFF('"+endTime+"', '"+startTime+"') +1) 'day_num' , (month('"+endTime+"') - month('"+startTime+"') + 1) month_num,ifnull(aaa.count,0) 'nh_num' ,ifnull(bbb.count,0) 'szsl_num' ,ifnull(ccc.count,0) 'hy_num' ,ifnull(ddd.count,0) 'yy_month_num',ifnull(fff.count,0) 'df_month_num' ,ifnull(ggg.count,0) 'year_target_num' from sys_depart d ";
sql += getWorkProgressSql(departIds, startTime, endTime, month);
sql += " where d.depart_type =1 ";
sql += " d.id in ("+ JSUtils.quoteEach(departIds,",") +")";
sql += " and d.id in ("+ JSUtils.quoteEach(departIds,",") +")";
sql += " order by (ifnull(aaa.count,0) + ifnull(bbb.count,0)+ifnull(ccc.count,0) +ifnull(ddd.count,0)+ifnull(fff.count,0) +ifnull(ggg.count,0) ) asc ";
......@@ -64,31 +67,32 @@ public class WorkAnalysisController {
@ApiOperation(value = "工作进度统计-数量统计", notes = "工作进度-数量统计 timeType = 1 表示月份,timeType=2 表示年")
public Result<WorkProgressVO> analysisTotalByWorkProgress(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer departType,@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer timeType, String startTime, String endTime) {
public Result<WorkProgressVO> analysisTotalByWorkProgress(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer departType, String departId, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer timeType, String startTime, String endTime) {
Result<WorkProgressVO> result = new Result<>();
WorkProgressVO workProgressVO = null;
String month = DateUtils.formatDate(startTime,"YYYY-MM");
if(2 == timeType){//表示年
month = DateUtils.formatDate(startTime,"YYYY");
String departIds = null;//DAY(LAST_DAY('"+startTime+"'))
String departIds = departId;//DAY(LAST_DAY('"+startTime+"'))
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(departId )){
if(departType == 1){//自营水厂
departIds = getSelfDepartIds();
if(departType == 2){//恩菲水厂
departIds = getEFDepartIds();
String sql = "select count(d.id) 'departNum', (DATEDIFF('"+endTime+"', '"+startTime+"') +1) 'day_num' , (month('"+endTime+"') - month('"+startTime+"') + 1) month_num,";
sql += " ifnull(sum(aaa.count),0) 'nh_num' ,ifnull(sum(bbb.count),0) 'szsl_num' ,ifnull(sum(ccc.count),0) 'hy_num' ,ifnull(sum(ddd.count),0) 'yy_month_num',ifnull(sum(fff.count),0) 'df_month_num' ,ifnull(sum(ggg.count),0) 'year_target_num' ";
sql += " from sys_depart d ";
sql += getWorkProgressSql(departIds, startTime, endTime, month);
sql += " where d.depart_type =1 ";
sql += " d.id in ("+ JSUtils.quoteEach(departIds,",") +")";
sql += " and d.id in ("+ JSUtils.quoteEach(departIds,",") +")";
System.out.println("sql = "+sql);
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = (JdbcTemplate) SpringContextUtils.getBean("master");
List<WorkProgressVO> dataList = jdbcTemplate.query(sql,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<WorkProgressVO>(WorkProgressVO.class));
List<WorkProgressVO> dataList = getJdbcTemplate().query(sql,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<WorkProgressVO>(WorkProgressVO.class));
if(dataList != null && !dataList.isEmpty()){
workProgressVO = dataList.get(0);
......@@ -100,51 +104,54 @@ public class WorkAnalysisController {
@ApiOperation(value = "安全管理进度-数据列表", notes = "安全管理进度-数据列表 timeType = 1 表示月份,timeType=2 表示年")
public Result<List<SafeProgressVO>> analysisBySafeProgress(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer departType,@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer timeType, String startTime, String endTime) {
public Result<List<SafeProgressVO>> analysisBySafeProgress(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer departType,String departId,@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer timeType, String startTime, String endTime) {
Result<List<SafeProgressVO>> result = new Result<>();
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = (JdbcTemplate) SpringContextUtils.getBean("master");
String departIds = null;
String departIds = departId;//DAY(LAST_DAY('"+startTime+"'))
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(departId )){
if(departType == 1){//自营水厂
departIds = getSelfDepartIds();
if(departType == 2){//恩菲水厂
departIds = getEFDepartIds();
String sql = "select d.id 'depart_id' , d.depart_name , ifnull(aaa.count,0) 'meet_num', ifnull(bbb.count,0) 'meet_total', ifnull(ccc.count,0) 'exam_num', ifnull(ddd.count,0) 'exam_total',ifnull(eee.count, 0) 'frequency_num' , ifnull(fff.count , 0) 'frequency_total'";
sql += " from sys_depart d ";
sql += getSafeProgressSql(departIds, startTime,endTime);
sql += " where d.depart_type =1 ";
sql += " d.id in ("+ JSUtils.quoteEach(departIds,",") +")";
sql += " and d.id in ("+ JSUtils.quoteEach(departIds,",") +")";
sql += " order by (ifnull(aaa.count,0) + ifnull(bbb.count,0) + ifnull(ccc.count,0) + ifnull(ddd.count,0) + ifnull(fff.count,0) ) asc ";
System.out.println("sql = "+sql);
List<SafeProgressVO> dataList = jdbcTemplate.query(sql,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<SafeProgressVO>(SafeProgressVO.class));
List<SafeProgressVO> dataList = getJdbcTemplate().query(sql,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<SafeProgressVO>(SafeProgressVO.class));
return result;
@ApiOperation(value = "安全管理进度统计-数量统计", notes = "安全管理进度-数量统计 timeType = 1 表示月份,timeType=2 表示年")
public Result<SafeProgressVO> analysisTotalBySafeProgress(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer departType,@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer timeType, String startTime, String endTime) {
public Result<SafeProgressVO> analysisTotalBySafeProgress(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer departType, String departId ,@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer timeType, String startTime, String endTime) {
Result<SafeProgressVO> result = new Result<>();
String departIds = null;//DAY(LAST_DAY('"+startTime+"'))
String departIds = departId;//DAY(LAST_DAY('"+startTime+"'))
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(departId )){
if(departType == 1){//自营水厂
departIds = getSelfDepartIds();
if(departType == 2){//恩菲水厂
departIds = getEFDepartIds();
String sql = "select count(d.id) 'departNum', ifnull(sum(aaa.count),0) 'meet_num' ,ifnull(sum(bbb.count),0) 'meet_total' ,ifnull(sum(ccc.count),0) 'exam_num' ,ifnull(sum(ddd.count),0) 'exam_total',ifnull(sum(eee.count),0) 'frequency_num' ,ifnull(sum(fff.count),0) 'frequency_total' ";
sql += " from sys_depart d ";
sql += getSafeProgressSql(departIds, startTime,endTime);
sql += " where d.depart_type =1 ";
sql += " d.id in ("+ JSUtils.quoteEach(departIds,",") +")";
sql += " and d.id in ("+ JSUtils.quoteEach(departIds,",") +")";
System.out.println("sql = "+sql);
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = (JdbcTemplate) SpringContextUtils.getBean("master");
List<SafeProgressVO> dataList = jdbcTemplate.query(sql,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<SafeProgressVO>(SafeProgressVO.class));
List<SafeProgressVO> dataList = getJdbcTemplate().query(sql,new BeanPropertyRowMapper<SafeProgressVO>(SafeProgressVO.class));
if(dataList != null && !dataList.isEmpty()){
......@@ -176,31 +183,36 @@ public class WorkAnalysisController {
private String getWorkProgressSql( String departIds,String startTime, String endTime,String month){
String sql = "";
String view3a24Sql = ReportViewUtil.buildView(ReportConstant.view3a24,"DLHJ",departIds,startTime,endTime);
sql += " left join (select aa.depart_id ,count(1) 'count' from "+view3a24Sql+ " aa group by aa.depart_id )aaa on aaa.depart_id = d.id ";
String view2119Sql = ReportViewUtil.buildView(ReportConstant.view2119,"CSL",departIds,startTime,endTime);
sql += " left join ( select bb.depart_id ,count(1) 'count' from "+view2119Sql+ " bb group by bb.depart_id )bbb on bbb.depart_id = d.id ";
String viewbffaSql = ReportViewUtil.buildView(ReportConstant.view9bff,"JSCODHY",departIds,startTime,endTime);
sql += " left join (select cc.depart_id ,count(1) 'count' from "+viewbffaSql+ " cc group by cc.depart_id )ccc on ccc.depart_id = d.id ";
//能耗日报: 污泥量、电量合计,用水量
String view3a24Sql = ReportViewUtil.buildView(ReportConstant.view3a24,"WNL,DLHJ,YSL",departIds,startTime,endTime);
sql += " left join (select aa.depart_id ,count(1) 'count' from "+view3a24Sql+ " aa where aa.WNL is not null and aa.WNL <> '' and aa.DLHJ is not null and aa.DLHJ <> '' and aa.YSL is not null and aa.YSL <> '' group by aa.depart_id )aaa on aaa.depart_id = d.id ";
//水质水量日报表:进水量、出水量、PH进水、PH出水、COD进水、COD出水,TP进水、TP出水、NH4-N进水、出水; TN进水、出水
String view2119Sql = ReportViewUtil.buildView(ReportConstant.view2119,"JSL,CSL,JSAD,CSAD,JSZD,CSTN,JSZL,CSZL,JSCOD,CSCOD,JSPH,CSPH",departIds,startTime,endTime);
sql += " left join ( select bb.depart_id ,count(1) 'count' from "+view2119Sql+ " bb ";
sql += " where bb.JSL is not null and bb.JSL <> '' and bb.CSL is not null and bb.CSL <> '' and bb.JSAD is not null and bb.JSAD <> '' and bb.CSAD is not null and bb.CSAD <> '' ";
sql += " and bb.JSZD is not null and bb.JSZD <> '' and bb.CSTN is not null and bb.CSTN <> '' and bb.JSZL is not null and bb.JSZL <> '' and bb.CSZL is not null and bb.CSZL <> '' ";
sql += " and bb.JSCOD is not null and bb.JSCOD <> '' and bb.CSCOD is not null and bb.CSCOD <> '' and bb.JSPH is not null and bb.JSPH <> '' and bb.CSPH is not null and bb.CSPH <> '' ";
sql += " group by bb.depart_id )bbb on bbb.depart_id = d.id ";
//化验日报 ==化验数据:PH进水、PH出水、COD进水、COD出水、TP进水、TP出水、NH4-N进水、出水; TN进水、出水
String viewbffaSql = ReportViewUtil.buildView(ReportConstant.view9bff,"JSPHHY,CSPHHY,JSCODHY,CSCODHY,JSZLHY,CSZLHY,CSTNHY,JSZDHY,JSADHY,CSADHY",departIds,startTime,endTime);
sql += " left join (select cc.depart_id ,count(1) 'count' from "+viewbffaSql+ " cc ";
sql += " where cc.JSPHHY is not null and cc.JSPHHY <> '' and cc.CSPHHY is not null and cc.CSPHHY <> '' and cc.JSCODHY is not null and cc.JSCODHY <> '' and cc.CSCODHY is not null and cc.CSCODHY <> '' ";
sql += " and cc.JSZLHY is not null and cc.JSZLHY <> '' and cc.CSZLHY is not null and cc.CSZLHY <> '' and cc.CSTNHY is not null and cc.CSTNHY <> '' and cc.JSZDHY is not null and cc.JSZDHY <> '' ";
sql += " and cc.JSADHY is not null and cc.JSADHY <> '' and cc.CSADHY is not null and cc.CSADHY <> '' ";
sql += " group by cc.depart_id )ccc on ccc.depart_id = d.id ";
sql += " left join( select ec.depart_id , ec.cost , count(1) 'count' from report_electric_cost ec where ec.month like '"+month+"%' and ec.cost > '0' group by ec.depart_id ) ddd on ddd.depart_id = d.id ";
sql += " left join( select ec.depart_id , count(1) 'count' from report_electric_cost ec where ec.month = '"+month+"' and ec.cost is not null and ec.cost <> '' group by ec.depart_id ) ddd on ddd.depart_id = d.id ";
String view4411Sql = ReportViewUtil.buildView(ReportConstant.view4411,"yyf,ysfsl",departIds,startTime,endTime);
sql += " left join (select eee.depart_id ,count(1) 'count' from (select left(ee.time,7) time , ee.depart_id from "+view4411Sql+ " ee where 1=1 group by ee.depart_id ,left(ee.time,7) HAVING ifnull(sum(ee.yyf),0) >0 and ifnull(sum(ee.ysfsl),0) > 0 )eee group by eee.depart_id )fff on fff.depart_id = d.id ";
sql += " left join (select eee.depart_id ,count(1) 'count' from (select left(ee.time,7) time , ee.depart_id from "+view4411Sql+ " ee where 1=1 and ee.yyf is not null and ee.yyf <> '' and ee.ysfsl is not null and ee.ysfsl <> '' group by ee.depart_id ,left(ee.time,7) )eee group by eee.depart_id )fff on fff.depart_id = d.id ";
sql += " ";
sql += " left join(select depart_id ,count(depart_id) 'count' from report_target_config where target_year = year('"+startTime+"') group by depart_id) ggg on ggg.depart_id = d.id ";
return sql;
private String getSelfDepartIds(){
String sql = "select GROUP_CONCAT(id) 'departIds' from sys_depart where depart_type =1 and parent_id <> '1818215543140909056'";
return getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(sql,String.class);
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